Monday 21 December 2009

This is an image I created after being given the brief of post blitz Coventry. I took a section of a photo taken after the night of the Coventry blitz and illustrated the building as if i was stood on the ground next to it. Look closly at the wall of the building on the right hand side, did you see the word 'Inigma' written into the brick work? How about the 3 crosses of reconsiliation? Working secrets messages into my work is a personal love and I do it wherever possible.

Saturday 22 November 2008

The 3 P's -
And its as simple as that! Can you find the story in the picture? Look Hard!

Best British Exports (Jerusalem)

This is the latest illustration I have done. Its in the style of the the last Jerusalem pictures I have done but focuses this time on British Inventions. The idea being that England has given the world some of the best inventions and THAT is why Britain is great.

The Great-Grandparents Escape.

A story board I did for a short movie. The premise of the story is an escape from an old peoples home. I called it "The Great-Grandparents Escape". Enjoy!